PhD graduates

My Ph.D. Graduation from Sokendai (Japan)

On 24 March 2008, I culminated a rewarding journey of academic exploration by graduating from the doctoral program of the Japanese university Sokendai at Hayama campus. This momentous occasion was followed by a second ceremony on 28 March at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo, where I received a commemorative medal in recognition of my achievements.

Sébastien Duval and Hiromichi Hashizume
Ph.D. Graduation from Sokendai – Sébastien Duval with Professor Hiromichi Hashizume

The first ceremony at Sokendai brought together graduates from that semester across partner research institutes throughout Japan, representing diverse fields of study. The NII ceremony, on the other hand, provided a more intimate celebration focused on information science graduates from my specific institute. These events marked the successful completion of my three-year doctoral program in computer science, which I pursued under the esteemed guidance of Professor Hiromichi Hashizume.

PhD graduates
Ph.D. Graduation from Sokendai – All graduates
PhD graduates
Ph.D. Graduation from Sokendai – NII graduates

The culmination of my studies involved a rigorous process. My thesis, written in English, underwent a thorough review by my thesis committee. Additionally, I successfully presented my research to the committee and had my work published in a scientific journal, alongside presentations at various international conferences.

Looking back, I am deeply satisfied with my research topic, which explored the fascinating intersection of human fundamental needs and wearable computing technology. Starting this program with no prior knowledge of Japanese, my accomplishments at Sokendai and NII hold even greater significance. This experience not only equipped me with advanced knowledge in my field but also fostered a remarkable personal and academic growth journey.