Sébastien Duval (寿春)

Sébastien Duval

🇬🇧 Greetings from Tokyo! Business development manager and consultant for the media/travel agency Japan Travel KK, I help Japanese ministries, prefectures, cities, and businesses in the event, tourism, and hospitality industries based on 20 years in Japan and stays in 20 countries. Together, we promote long stays, attract & satisfy foreigners, revitalize local economies, and fight depopulation through job creation. I love Japan for its fascinating cultures, outdoor hot springs, diverse hiking grounds from arctic Hokkaido to tropical Okinawa, and I’m very grateful to its great artisans & farmers who taught me so much. I value diversity, inclusivity, sustainability, regeneration, and plant-based lifestyles. Feel free to message me or connect on LinkedIn.

🇫🇷 Salutations depuis Tokyo ! Responsable du développement commercial et consultant pour l’agence média/voyages Japan Travel, j’aide les ministères, départements, villes, et entreprises en événementiel, tourisme et hôtellerie du Japon. En mettant à profit mes 20 ans au Japon et séjours dans 20 pays, nous encourageons les séjours longs, attirons et satisfaisons les étrangers, revitalisons les économies locales et luttons contre la dépopulation en créant des emplois. J’aime le Japon pour ses cultures fascinantes, sources thermales à ciel ouvert, environnements de randonnée variés (arctique à Hokkaido – tropical à Okinawa), et je suis reconnaissant envers ses artisans & agriculteurs exceptionnels qui m’ont tant appris. La diversité, l’inclusion, le durable, la régénération et les modes de vie végétaux me tiennent à cœur. N’hésitez pas à me contacter ou à m’envoyer une demande de connexion sur LinkedIn.

🇯🇵 東京からご挨拶申し上げます!メディア・旅行代理店ジャパントラベル㈱事業開発マネージャー兼コンサルタントとして、在日20年、世界20ヶ国での滞在経験をもとに、イベント・観光・ホスピタリティ産業における日本の省庁、自治体、企業のお手伝いをしています。一緒にロングステイ(長期滞在)を促進し、外国人を惹きつけ、満足させ、地域経済を活性化させ、雇用創出を通じて過疎化に立ち向かいましょう。魅力的な文化、露天風呂、極寒の北海道から南国の沖縄まで様々なハイキングコースがある日本が大好きで、多くのことを教えてくれた素晴らしい職人さんや農家さんにとても感謝しています。私は多様性、包括性、持続可能性、再生、そしてプラント(植物)ベースのライフスタイルを大切にしています。お気軽にお問い合わせフォームまたはリンクトインでご連絡ください。

📰 News ・ ニュース

  • Yuranza – One-time-only Performances

    Yuranza – One-time-only Performances

    Imagine sparking your next event in Japan with a unique performance, a masterpiece tailored for your brand, industry, or theme by Yuranza! I help this fascinating Japanese performance troupe as business development manager for Japan Travel KK. These artists in residence on Mount Minobu do unforgettable concerts at unique venues and performances at MICE events…

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  • Japan’s Fiscal Year 2023 – A Bumpy, Fascinating Journey

    The Japanese fiscal year (FY), concluding in March in alignment with the seasons, offers a fascinating perspective on business cycles. Here, March marks the culmination of the year’s efforts and serves as a springboard for new beginnings. As business development manager at Japan Travel KK, FY2023 carried significant challenges and triumphs. This reflection delves into…

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  • Training Manuals For Cycling Guides in Wajima

    In February & March 2024, I created comprehensive training manuals for Wajima city and Ishikawa prefecture to train local cycling guide candidates and develop inbound tourism. These documents replace on-site seminars that had been planned in January & February, impossible due to travel restrictions following a major earthquake on 01 January. They complement a “monitor…

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  • Vienna Boys’ Choir 2024 Japan Tour

    I’m currently helping promote the Vienna Boys’ Choir 2024 Japan Tour, which you may enjoy in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka… Such events are nice opportunities for foreign residents living in Japan like me 🙂 Learn about the group & concerts on Japan Travel, and book on the event website of Japan Arts. How does the…

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  • Kakurinbo “Best Inbound Travel” at Japan Travel Awards

    A client of mine, a female leader operating the temple lodge Kakurinbo on Mount Minobu, received the 2024 “Best Inbound Travel” national award by Japan Travel Awards (unrelated to my company Japan Travel KK) for her contributions. I had the pleasure to attend the awards ceremony at Tokyo American Club today 🙂 She was wearing…

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  • High-end Travel in Japan

    As part of my work related to high-end travel in Japan:

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  • At All Japanese Prefectures For Tourism & Hospitality Work

    I visited and provided tourism/hospitality services in all the Japanese regions, in most Japanese prefectures (soon in all 47). Hokkaido Region Hokkaido is the largest Japanese prefecture so it’s also a region by itself. I helped create a microsite promoting its wonderful nature. Tohoku Region Tohoku contains 6 Japanese prefectures: Akita, Aomori, Fukushima, Iwate, Miyagi,…

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